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yerba mate revolution!

erowid: a travel guide for interior journeys...

no more war:

United for Peace and Justice

True Majority

seek the truth:

Common Dreams

Unamerican Activities

The Nation

people I adore, diaries I read:

the music:
the asylum street spankers
backyard tire fire
blue highway
bill camplin
wendy colonna
freedom tribe
joules graves
guy forsyth band
hamsa lila
libby kirkpatrick
leftover salmon
pamela means
medeski martin & wood
the motet
the nice outfit
nickel creek
open road
rose polenzani
railroad earth
south austin jug band
string cheese incident
tha musemeant
the devil makes three
tim o'brien band
wild sage
keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

on the perfume river... ~ November 15, 2002 - 2:01 a.m.

a sweet stopover in hue (prounounced "hway")...

I'm not feeling so well today, a bit sick to my stomach... let's just assume it's not parasites, okay? I'm taking oregano oil, taking it easy, and hoping for the best. I think when I'm done here, I may head back to my hotel for a bit of a rest. I really should get in some sights today at some point. maybe I'll even let a cyclo driver take me around.

a cyclo is like a bike with a cushy seat attached to the front. you feel a bit ridiculously like a princess riding around in one.

I'm low-energy today, though, and trying to be good to myself.

across the alley from the internet cafe, there's something going on, either a wedding or a funeral. I can't tell which. flower wreaths, bell-ringing, incense. two men sit in front, one with his arm around the other man's shoulders. I love the easy physical intimacy of asian men with each other.

asians in general. it's not unusual for a woman to grab your hand or arm as you're walking together. a handshake involves much squeezing, with both hands. schoolgirls like to walk hand-in-hand and arm-in-arm. sweet.

hue is a tourist destination, a bit of a shock after locals-only dong ha. I guess it will help to cushion the insanity of ho chi minh city (formerly saigon). my next stop, and my final destination before I fly home.


sometimes I look in the mirror, and I don't recognize my own face.

previously... * and then...
