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June 5, 2008 - radiant hearts
April 28, 2008 - all a bit off-kilter...
April 26, 2008 - dreaming about a place...
April 24, 2008 - the deep dark
April 24, 2008 - writing, again...
April 23, 2008 - get well soon...
December 30, 2007 - craving acheless rest...
December 17, 2007 - something like one and only....
December 12, 2007 - a beginning...
November 7, 2007 - the starker light
October 23, 2007 - this much I know
October 22, 2007 - believing in more than enough
October 11, 2007 - mood swingy
October 9, 2007 - this one's special
October 8, 2007 - love as it is
September 16, 2007 - all of what I need
August 20, 2007 - restless wind
August 16, 2007 - the last heartbreak
May 16, 2007 - at least
May 8, 2007 - wanting
April 30, 2007 - at once smaller and larger than you imagine
March 1, 2007 - warm, open, held...
February 24, 2007 - up for the hard parts
January 20, 2007 - long winter
January 11, 2007 - rapture
January 5, 2007 - already gone
December 30, 2006 - ending and beginning
December 28, 2006 - staring into the fire
December 27, 2006 - my wintertime
December 3, 2006 - undermining the sabotage
November 28, 2006 - the big black whole
November 27, 2006 - the story of the time, in detail
November 16, 2006 - a long day filled with things...
November 14, 2006 - dreamworld snippet
November 13, 2006 - the craving of words
November 12, 2006 - moon time on the mountain...
November 10, 2006 - moony ramble
November 10, 2006 - the new place
October 15, 2006 - ren faire and the blue-eyed boy.
September 30, 2006 - the path of words
September 29, 2006 - coming attractions
September 22, 2006 - september 22nd
September 21, 2006 - me and the man in black
August 28, 2006 - expecting to fly...
August 27, 2006 - letting the wishes in...
August 27, 2006 - may your heart always be joyful, may your song be sung...
August 25, 2006 - struggle and ache
August 23, 2006 - can we talk?
August 22, 2006 - what I want you to know...
August 22, 2006 - some of the story of the night...
August 21, 2006 - just us three
August 19, 2006 - strong enough to ache
August 18, 2006 - an infinite number of monkeys
August 17, 2006 - makin' it so
August 16, 2006 - bit of a mull...
August 15, 2006 - phoenix rising
June 7, 2006 - more
April 17, 2006 - she was here
March 27, 2006 - late
March 27, 2006 - believing in something better... (phase three)
March 27, 2006 - the morning after the dream... (phase two)
March 27, 2006 - this dying thing... (phase one)
January 21, 2006 - and the dance and the air and the light...
January 11, 2006 - to think and see in terms of beauty
January 2, 2006 - children of the earth, born into the industrial age
November 21, 2005 - surprise me mr. davis
October 27, 2005 - communication and community
October 26, 2005 - where i need to be
October 17, 2005 - another door
September 13, 2005 - sunshine ramble
August 17, 2005 - other women's men
August 3, 2005 - baby, i had to crash that car...
June 25, 2005 - the truest thing
May 25, 2005 - well and truly kicked
May 4, 2005 - the secret war
April 20, 2005 - when it all comes down
April 2, 2005 - all things possible
March 29, 2005 - the greatest love story never told
March 25, 2005 - possibilities for opening
March 14, 2005 - lifted
March 9, 2005 - believing
March 9, 2005 - whispering in my ear
March 6, 2005 - the time of it
March 1, 2005 - missing it all, late at night
February 27, 2005 - from the wastelands
February 21, 2005 - farewell to uncle duke
February 10, 2005 - wakening
February 9, 2005 - story of the turkey baster
February 7, 2005 - screetching tires and the smell of her skin
February 6, 2005 - strangest angel telling tales
February 4, 2005 - a change is gonna come...
December 30, 2004 - believing it'll be okay...
December 22, 2004 - darkness and light
November 26, 2004 - how to dismantle an atomic bomb
October 28, 2004 - a line, branching
October 25, 2004 - breathing in
September 28, 2004 - vote to change the world
September 21, 2004 - sitting outside the light
September 16, 2004 - trying to make sense of it all
July 30, 2004 - anything at all
July 29, 2004 - yearning
July 22, 2004 - summertime bits and pieces
July 18, 2004 - ain't no thang
July 8, 2004 - here am i
July 7, 2004 - trying to recognize my own face
June 28, 2004 - cravings
June 20, 2004 - venus retrograde, part 2
June 20, 2004 - venus retrograde, part 1
June 7, 2004 - twelve years down the road
May 31, 2004 - when i get there
May 27, 2004 - my job, and the liking of it
May 20, 2004 - the world outside of my head
February 27, 2004 - the return of the light
February 23, 2004 - family
February 16, 2004 - random acts of senseless violence
February 7, 2004 - the word go
February 4, 2004 - landing
January 30, 2004 - green roads
January 23, 2004 - last kind word blues...
January 15, 2004 - singing into the eye of the storm
January 14, 2004 - peace in the strangest places
January 6, 2004 - love from the tundra
December 29, 2003 - lighter, and brighter
December 28, 2003 - sickness
December 24, 2003 - trying it on for size
December 22, 2003 - release and renewal
December 19, 2003 - wellness wishings
November 25, 2003 - be neither cynical about love, for amidst all aridity and disenchantment, it is perennial as the grass...
November 22, 2003 - the sickness that drives you
November 17, 2003 - the writing-of-the-resume thang
November 15, 2003 - stranger than fiction
November 13, 2003 - sick girl thinks about changing the world...
November 5, 2003 - spambox
November 4, 2003 - the wind and warren z
October 27, 2003 - the human league
October 24, 2003 - the best of my love...
October 24, 2003 - revisiting temp girl world
October 23, 2003 - quiet days are like that
October 22, 2003 - the long road back to high school
October 21, 2003 - blessings on the head of joss whedon
October 20, 2003 - the getting of grip
October 19, 2003 - collapse
October 8, 2003 - what there is to love
October 7, 2003 - radio silence
September 8, 2003 - fighting it off
September 8, 2003 - everyday miracles
September 4, 2003 - the whole universe in our hands...
September 3, 2003 - detoxing
September 3, 2003 - life has come a long way since yesterday...
August 26, 2003 - ragged snatches
August 22, 2003 - you, my family...
August 19, 2003 - and the ringing telephones...
August 17, 2003 - who is in your family?
August 15, 2003 - angels and refuge
August 7, 2003 - muddling around
July 27, 2003 - jiggety jig
July 23, 2003 - risa kicks ass
July 20, 2003 - sticking it out
July 15, 2003 - the bright side of life
July 14, 2003 - cultural norms
July 13, 2003 - the proverbial straw
July 12, 2003 - wearing me out
July 9, 2003 - work stuff
July 8, 2003 - falling, and flying, both
July 5, 2003 - high sierra dreams, part two...
July 4, 2003 - high sierra dreams
July 3, 2003 - as long as you're a stranger...
July 2, 2003 - enough for now
June 30, 2003 - Katherine Hepburn: 1907 - 2003
June 29, 2003 - saga of the VCD
June 27, 2003 - movies and cattiness...
June 26, 2003 - happy
June 25, 2003 - my first true love...
June 24, 2003 - and the road that brought me here...
June 22, 2003 - just fine
June 21, 2003 - house of sand and fog
June 20, 2003 - gravel
June 19, 2003 - last day of school
June 18, 2003 - feeling it
June 16, 2003 - telling it like it is...
June 15, 2003 - life in lao...
June 14, 2003 - a bit of a mess, with moments of grace...
June 11, 2003 - RIP: tupelo honey, 2003 - 2003
June 10, 2003 - tupelo honey
June 9, 2003 - so over it
June 7, 2003 - pants on fire
June 6, 2003 - crossing over
June 4, 2003 - all around the houses...
June 2, 2003 - again???
May 31, 2003 - stood up and looking cute
May 30, 2003 - a girly ramble about clothes...
May 28, 2003 - my baby's got a secret...
May 25, 2003 - teacher X and the terrible, horrible, no-good very bad feeling
May 22, 2003 - anyway...
May 21, 2003 - the eight page resume
May 19, 2003 - warning: this one's not fit to print
May 18, 2003 - nothing ramble...
May 17, 2003 - hungry girl...
May 16, 2003 - the grandfather in my living room
May 15, 2003 - and aimee mann, to boot...
May 13, 2003 - strange dreams and a shipwreck of a morning...
May 12, 2003 - the mother of all naps
May 11, 2003 - woman on the verge...
May 10, 2003 - at loose ends
May 9, 2003 - wishing myself well...
May 8, 2003 - too hot to think...
May 7, 2003 - mother's little helper...
May 6, 2003 - motorcycle mama, part 3..
May 4, 2003 - this-n-that
May 3, 2003 - enough to make your skin crawl...
May 2, 2003 - it gets a name...
April 26, 2003 - an army of lovers cannot fail...
April 24, 2003 - story of my bikes...
April 23, 2003 - my home, my world, my stomach...
April 22, 2003 - she's not sleeping...
April 20, 2003 - a day of spiritual adventuring...
April 19, 2003 - sabaidee pii mai!
April 12, 2003 - the angel of neither/or
January 11, 2003 - more horrors...
April 9, 2003 - horrors, past and present
April 8, 2003 - far away, so close (or love in the time of SARS)
April 7, 2003 - in bed with neal stephenson
April 3, 2003 - shades of unwellness
March 31, 2003 - malaise
March 29, 2003 - one thing, deeply
March 25, 2003 - la cucaracha
March 24, 2003 - the ain't-got-no-home-again blues...
March 22, 2003 - from namphou to naxay...
March 21, 2003 - we who believe in freedom...
March 19, 2003 - the horror
March 17, 2003 - waiting for the sun to rise...
March 16, 2003 - breathing space
March 12, 2003 - all of its everything
March 9, 2003 - home on the mekong
March 1, 2003 - moving day
February 20, 2003 - she goes all rapturous about banana roti
February 19, 2003 - tales of a fourth grade teacher
February 18, 2003 - reiki through it
February 17, 2003 - the girl who goes to naxay
February 16, 2003 - the laying on of hands
February 15, 2003 - from kathmandu to the mekhong...
February 14, 2003 - one big OW (or a purification of sorts...)
February 10, 2003 - scheduling stuff
February 9, 2003 - reiki master at the scandinavian bakery
February 8, 2003 - the blind masseuse and my terrible french
February 5, 2003 - around and around the marketplace
February 4, 2003 - the good life
February 2, 2003 - beautiful lao
January 28, 2003 - thirty
January 20, 2003 - the world's oldest story
January 16, 2003 - it's all happening...
January 3, 2003 - just a bit of a something
January 2, 2003 - making refuge
January 1, 2003 - carpe diem
December 31, 2002 - the all-purpose, everything, travel-version structure
December 30, 2002 - oblivion
December 18, 2002 - stuff kinesis
December 14, 2002 - coming together
December 10, 2002 - panic and blessings...
December 3, 2002 - the usual
December 2, 2002 - all kinds of tail-wagging
November 30, 2002 - not a lot to say
November 30, 2002 - the luckiest girl in the world
November 28, 2002 - thankfully
November 27, 2002 - love and heartache
November 27, 2002 - not in our name
November 24, 2002 - landing
November 22, 2002 - finding home
November 22, 2002 - all of this and everything...
November 21, 2002 - where it all begins
November 17, 2002 - sister survivors
November 15, 2002 - on the perfume river...
November 12, 2002 - sleepless dreams in the DMZ...
November 11, 2002 - hanoi love song
November 9, 2002 - my eyes are crowded with all I have seen...
November 7, 2002 - the hell out of dodge
January 16, 1996 - where I am now (or follow the tangents if you dare...)
October 30, 2002 - elephants, mahouts, and motorbikes...
October 29, 2002 - tuk-tuk sun and the jewelry scam...
October 26, 2002 - shanti
October 23, 2002 - young girls and hard lessons learned...
October 22, 2002 - luna thailand
October 17, 2002 - blissed out at rai lay beach...
October 15, 2002 - run down and waiting for the train...
October 13, 2002 - photos!
October 12, 2002 - caves and KL
October 8, 2002 - singapore slinging
October 6, 2002 - blessings received
October 5, 2002 - the journey begins...
September 30, 2002 - mi vida loca
September 25, 2002 - like the burning of my heart...
September 25, 2002 - earth, air, fire, water and spirit
September 23, 2002 - fire on the mountain
September 22, 2002 - equinox blessings and buddhist teachers everywhere...
September 18, 2002 - a girl in need of keys and gear...
September 15, 2002 - wiped out
September 11, 2002 - rambling, remembering...
September 11, 2002 - I can write about sex, just not about 9/11...
September 9, 2002 - I am love, I am lover; I am freedom, I am free...
September 8, 2002 - more of that being here now stuff
September 7, 2002 - finding the way home
September 5, 2002 - non-disappearing girl
September 4, 2002 - dirty, tired, filled with love and back on two wheels...
August 27, 2002 - flying by...
August 20, 2002 - you are my family and you are healing me...
August 13, 2002 - sleepy girl feeling the love
August 11, 2002 - reveling and regeneration
August 11, 2002 - stars, stuff, and rambling on...
August 9, 2002 - the weight of my life on my shoulders
August 7, 2002 - flying by
July 31, 2002 - yet another meltdown
July 31, 2002 - whelming over
July 29, 2002 - being here, now
July 26, 2002 - halleluia!
July 24, 2002 - guru purunima and the hanuman olympics
July 23, 2002 - damn lucky (and the horse too...)
July 22, 2002 - messy sprawl
July 21, 2002 - letting go of the stuff and hard lessons learned
July 18, 2002 - eyes like slits...
July 16, 2002 - a rambling mess about not being fine
July 16, 2002 - Rumi
July 14, 2002 - on the beach
July 13, 2002 - riding into love
July 12, 2002 - pain and healing
July 11, 2002 - the last ugly chapter in the whole awful story
July 9, 2002 - coming home
June 29, 2002 - thinking healthy thoughts
June 28, 2002 - some random stuff about my day
June 27, 2002 - time to rest
June 26, 2002 - happy birthday lucas!
June 25, 2002 - in eastern medicine, the lungs hold grief
June 24, 2002 - sick, again, and dreaming
June 23, 2002 - embracing the light
June 22, 2002 - quiet
June 21, 2002 - sleepy solstice
June 18, 2002 - naming names
June 17, 2002 - senegal and scottish boys
June 14, 2002 - the possibilities of life
June 13, 2002 - washed up on the shore
June 11, 2002 - strange dreams
June 9, 2002 - summertime! and the living is oh so fine...
June 5, 2002 - two kinds of riders
June 3, 2002 - my weekend: the long version
June 2, 2002 - desiderata
May 30, 2002 - short and sweet
May 29, 2002 - wednesdays are good
May 28, 2002 - shiny red love affair
May 27, 2002 - somewhere in the middle and feeling the love
May 26, 2002 - ramblings about god
May 25, 2002 - arati bells and incense
May 24, 2002 - she's wearing white
May 22, 2002 - on the day of my recovery...
May 21, 2002 - falling apart, again
May 20, 2002 - like the weather
May 19, 2002 - angel in the arms of home
May 16, 2002 - generations
May 15, 2002 - openness
May 14, 2002 - out from under
May 13, 2002 - kaboom!
May 12, 2002 - flux and change
May 11, 2002 - start on the inside, and work your way out
May 9, 2002 - reconnections
May 6, 2002 - ranting and rejoicing
May 3, 2002 - car nightmare #342
April 30, 2002 - clean socks and balance
April 28, 2002 - the love space demands
April 25, 2002 - a night like that
April 24, 2002 - roads, sunshine, and me in my dress
April 23, 2002 - a good reason to learn sanskrit
April 22, 2002 - garden people
April 20, 2002 - pain and healing
April 17, 2002 - dessert night
April 16, 2002 - under the weather
April 15, 2002 - I am here and not there
April 10, 2002 - may all be healed
April 9, 2002 - the age of advertising
April 9, 2002 - discipline and the good life
April 6, 2002 - the return of the sun
April 4, 2002 - my head in the clouds
April 3, 2002 - being here now
April 2, 2002 - arrival
March 30, 2002 - erowid: stuff you need to know
March 27, 2002 - late night double feature picture show...
March 27, 2002 - the chronic and the compost heap
March 26, 2002 - shaking loose
March 25, 2002 - not making sense
March 24, 2002 - and back and forth and back...
March 22, 2002 - sick day
March 21, 2002 - up on the mountain
March 19, 2002 - up and down the road
March 19, 2002 - taking care
March 17, 2002 - only way around is through
March 15, 2002 - ramble on, sleepy girl...
March 13, 2002 - dreaming of home
March 12, 2002 - just one of my truths
March 11, 2002 - just can't do this
March 10, 2002 - shades of sorrow, flavors of sweetness
March 8, 2002 - not making a whole lot of sense
March 7, 2002 - today's flavor: ambivalence
March 6, 2002 - with open eyes and open arms
March 5, 2002 - roads and hearts
March 2, 2002 - home movies
February 26, 2002 - the right buddha
February 26, 2002 - naked truth
February 24, 2002 - she talks about it
February 24, 2002 - details, negotiations, and geek love
February 21, 2002 - not talking about it
February 19, 2002 - last gas for 90 miles
February 19, 2002 - possibilities
February 17, 2002 - all who yonder are not lost
February 15, 2002 - chopping wood and carrying water
February 12, 2002 - spring, sprung, sproing
February 12, 2002 - free to be
February 11, 2002 - flowers in my yard
February 10, 2002 - enough for now
February 6, 2002 - back to asylum street
February 3, 2002 - a long journey from here to there
February 3, 2002 - whole lotta nothing
February 2, 2002 - munching cookies and brewing revolution
February 01, 2002 - the devil's game
January 31, 2002 - brutal
January 29, 2002 - making a day of it
January 28, 2002 - it's all about me day
January 24, 2002 - more of the same, except the masturbation thing
January 23, 2002 - more than yesterday less than tomorrow
January 22, 2002 - limbo
January 20, 2002 - relics and random info
January 19, 2002 - dancing the way we do
January 18, 2002 - hair!
January 16, 2002 - what I'm reading now
January 15, 2002 - she doesn't know what to say
January 13, 2002 - miles and miles of rough road
January 12, 2002 - scattered
January 10, 2002 - the hell out of san jose
January 7, 2002 - losing it
January 7, 2002 - love and roads
January 5, 2002 - odd jobs
January 3, 2002 - muddy waters
January 2, 2002 - the world outside
December 26, 2001 - black leather and snakeskin
December 24, 2001 - true things
December 15, 2001 - a place to be and a good cat
November 28, 2001 - me and my monkey mind
November 25, 2001 - giving thanks
September 13, 2001 - dreaming and waking
November 16, 2001 - dragonflies, mountainsides, sweet love and home
November 9, 2001 - my thing about collections
November 7, 2001 - quiet night
November 5, 2001 - breathing room
November 3, 2001 - hard times and good food
November 1, 2001 - a mess of an entry from a mess of a girl
October 28, 2001 - street legal and sick as a dog
October 20, 2001 - dancing in the carnivorous dark
October 16, 2001 - all over the place
October 15, 2001 - rock and roll sushi and renaissance faire
October 12, 2001 - a place of love
October 10, 2001 - peanut noodles and crisis points
October 8, 2001 - and the weather today is...
October 7, 2001 - fucking tired
October 5, 2001 - keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down...
October 5, 2001 - insomnia
October 2, 2001 - sunshine, moonrise
October 01, 2001 - home again, and road rewound
September 27, 2001 - the red avocado rocks my world
September 24, 2001 - gentle eyes and prairie flowers
September 22, 2001 - watched over
September 18, 2001 - hup kiix: to puncture with needles
September 17, 2001 - rod serling, coretta scott king, and me
September 9, 2001 - leaps of faith
September 7, 2001 - blue sky and green mountains
September 05, 2001 - fern and her babies, waving in the sunshine...
August 26, 2001 - eating at the blind faith cafe
august 18, 2001 - because road is a spicy grit at the back of my throat...
august 7, 2001 - wild fates
july 23, 2001 - the space between
july 2, 2001 - dreamworld footprints and open doors
june 28, 2001 - dreamworld
june 25, 2001 - lost...
june 24, 2001 - ramble on...
june 21, 2001 - secrets and lies in the light of day
june 19, 2001 - all roads lead to thailand...
june 14, 2001 - strange days
june 13, 2001 - poison
june 12, 2001 - roads and more roads...
june 10, 2001 - lizard girl
june 6, 2001 - dreaming in the sun
june 5, 2001 - it's always raining at the DMV
june 2, 2001 - on the banks of hare creek
june 1, 2001 - arms and holding, dreams and nightmares
may 30, 2001 - coming home
may 21, 2001 - river is flowing...
may 17, 2001 - playing in the sun
may 15, 2001 - staring at the box
may 14, 2001 - fragile
may 13, 2001 - mama's day
may 11, 2001 - it's all good...
may 9, 2001 - a place of screaming
may 9, 2001 - dreams of magic and strange lands
may 7, 2001 - under the light of the moon
may 5, 2001 - things fall apart
may 4, 2001 - hard travels
2001-04-29 - utah phillips and radio games
april 28, 2001 - moony girl gets her car back
april 26, 2001 - musings on mobility and melodrama
april 25, 2001 - a town I call home
april 24, 2001 - hungry
april 24, 2001 - caterpillars in the sun
april 22, 2001 - fighting with myself
april 19, 2001 - car nightmare #256
april 18, 2001 - stranded
april 17, 2001 - goodbye, joey...
april 16, 2001 - my weary bones
april 14, 2001 - spankers and sunshine
april 12, 2001 - she takes off her clothes
april 11,2001 - where'd my diary go??
april 10, 2001 - what happens when you stop running...
april 8, 2001 - the nature of the beast
april 7, 2001 - a phone call in the morning
april 5, 2001 - will you?
april 4, 2001 - practice
april 3, 2001 - she rants about machines
april 2, 2001 - a place to rest
march 31, 2001 - kisses sweeter than wine
march 28, 2001 - seeing eyes, hearing ears
march 24, 2001 - the place of my dreams
march 22, 2001 - road weary angel
march 20, 2001 - dancing my demons away
march 19, 2001 - in the palm of my hand
march 18, 2001 - sweet
2001-03-17 - mahabudallah
2001-03-15 - why this mountain? why this sky? this long road, this empty room...
2001-03-11 - dancing at the end of the world
2001-03-10 - open arms
2001-03-07 - hippie chick gets a medical card
2001-03-05 - rhythms, seasons, and mysteries
2001-03-04 - finding the family that feeds you
2001-02-27 - dancing the sun into the sky
2001-02-26 - the music I hear in my dreams...
2001-02-25 - we can save the world all night long...
2001-02-23 - home.
2001-02-17 - fiesta!
2001-02-15 - going down the road...
2001-02-08 - clown love, baby!
2001-02-06 - sometimes you just need a sister
2001-02-05 - vagueness and euphimisms (mmmm.... crunchy...)
2001-02-03 - the big flashy shiny genocide machine...
2001-02-02 - dinah washington and victor delorenzo
2001-01-31 - ...
2001-01-31 - hypoglycemia girl dreams of road
2001-01-30 - but the cat was cool, and he never said a mumblin' word...
2001-01-26 - I dream in color
2001-01-26 - sleepy, sleepy girl
2001-01-24 - queer as MY folks...
2001-01-23 - temp girl world
2001-01-22 - hippie chick tells a story of sunshine
2001-01-21 - at the age of 37, she realized she'd never ride through paris in a sportscar with the warm wind in her hair...
2001-01-19 - waiting for change...
2001-01-18 - kisses, kisses, kisses!
2001-01-17 - where I'm calling you from
2001-01-16 - sigh...
2001-01-15 - officeporn
2001-01-12 - hugs and blessings
2001-01-11 - escape fantasies
2001-01-10 - pins and needles
2001-01-09 - damn, damn, damn
2001-01-08 - why I listened to a lot of depeche mode when I was growing up...
2001-01-07 - sisters...
2001-01-05 - dreaming of the sun
2001-01-04 - subways and sunrises
2001-01-01 - 2001: all the dates from here on out sound like science fiction...
2000-12-29 - back in the day...
2000-12-28 - neither here nor there...
2000-12-27 - brrrr...
2000-12-23 - roadroadroadroadroad
2000-12-22 - mikro, mack, and the spanish moon...
2000-12-20 - orleans, still...
2000-12-17 - hurricane memories...
2000-12-14 - sex and motorcycle rides
2000-12-13 - rain, sleet, and snow in austin...
2000-12-12 - if that cat could talk, what tales he'd tell...
2000-12-08 - a hairbrush and a loaf of bread
2000-12-07 - friends, lovers, sisters, brothers...
2000-12-06 - ribbed roads and desert dreams
2000-12-03 - this is what democracy looks like...
2000-11-30 - cool cats and jailbait in san diego
2000-11-27 - wiped and wired in long beach...
2000-11-23 - for sale by owner: car, bike, VCR, bodily fluids...
2000-11-21 - wishing hard
2000-11-20 - points of light
2000-11-19 - reality sculpting
2000-11-19 - testing... lynx, 1, 2 3...
2000-11-16 - a long, deep sigh...
2000-11-14 - summertime thunderstorms and other manifestations of love
2000-11-13 - computers, cars, and blessings received
2000-11-13 - all we need is a really deep breath, a good dance floor and a sing-along song...
2000-11-11 - the phone rings...
2000-11-10 - "reasonable and prudent" on the montana highway...
2000-11-10 - hallucinating at dawn
2000-11-09 - vegan organic girl
2000-11-08 - and the angels were on hand to stand in for everything...
2000-11-06 - angels
2000-11-06 - kyoko and I with shell-shocked eyes...
2000-11-04 - the sky is yellow and the sun is blue...
2000-11-03 - where the road leads...

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