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keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

sick girl thinks about changing the world... ~ November 13, 2003 - 7:35 p.m.

I have a pretty intense cold right now. last night it moved into my sinuses and my chest. this morning I called in sick. it's funny because it feels just like the cold I had about this time in thailand last year.

so much has happened. even just since I wrote last. halloween. I was a luna moth, with homemade diaphonous green wings that came out just right. I went to a party with my sister, who was a fortune teller, although no one could tell because she gave up on the turban and forgot her cards. we had fun. I sidled through the house because of my wingspan. a girl from chile tried to teach me how to salsa dance.

my dad and I went to the national conference on media reform last weekend, which was great, and I delighted in doing something adult and stimulating with my dad. I met jesse jackson (who is a presence and a half), studs turkel, al franken, russ feingold-- all kinds of people. I saw billy bragg jam on stage with boots riley, the night watchman, and one of the renegade FCC commissioners who stood up against the rule change.

I saw panels on social justice and media reform, using the internet as an organizing tool, the future of new music in a corporate world... I talked it all over with my dad over dinner at a fabulous restaurant where we were seated at a table next to most of the conference's big personalities. we sat a few feet away from the end of the table where al franken yelled conversationally with studs turkel, who is deaf as a post.

everyone was in awe of studs. russ feingold introduced my dad to him. studs is white-haired and feisty and there's a light that hovers around him.

al franken is smart and smart-alecky. so strange to see his face so close after all those years of seeing it on saturday night live. too familiar to be believable in real life. at the show that night, he had everyone laughing out loud at his portrayal of the lawsuit against him by bill o'reilly and fox news. telling his publicist "don't worry-- I've been doing this a lot of years, and satire is protected speech-- even when the object of the satire doesn't get it."

bill moyers spoke that night too, and amy goodman from Democracy Now!, who rocked my world-- and russ feingold, and the FCC commissioner, and studs introduced bill, and bill nominated studs for president, and it was just a good night all around. so nice to be surrounded by progressive and intelligent people who want to make a change in the face of the corporate-conglomerate-media-machine.

and that fancy dinner with my dad. I don't think he and I have ever done a fancy dinner one on one. oh, it was good.

dinner is something I need to sort out at the moment... I'll get back to you soon.

previously... * and then...
