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United for Peace and Justice

True Majority

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The Nation

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south austin jug band
string cheese incident
tha musemeant
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tim o'brien band
wild sage
keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

the all-purpose, everything, travel-version structure ~ December 31, 2002 - 4:21 a.m.

I'm wanting to write something real.

you know how it feels when you haven't eaten anything but junk food for days? that's what it feels like. I need something real, something raw and messy and full of life. something I can sink my teeth into.

I don't know why I haven't been writing. does anyone? it's like working out, like practicing yoga. I know I feel better when I do it on a regular basis, but once I fall out of the habit, it's hard work to fall back in.

and I think part of the trouble lies in the fact that it's hard to develop regular habits when you live on the road. and I am so undisciplined. I haven't had a structure to build my life around since I left mount madonna, so I have to work that much harder to pull together anything like discipline.

I need to build a structure for myself that I can take on the road. a travel-version. something lightweight that folds up small and unpacks without wrinkles. adjustable, flexible, and comfortable.

it should have writing. and meditation. yoga, good food, and strength training. time to rest, heal, and reflect. periodic energy recharges. good dental hygiene and an emphasis on self-care. kung fu. music. dancing with reckless abandon. performance time. retreat time. time to learn new skills and strengthen old ones. and there should be love. lots and lots of love.

I want my structure to be fuzzy and comfy and worn like an old t-shirt. all-terrain, all purpose, all-weather, multi-lingual, polysexual, and magic. I want heavy-duty treads and breatheable mesh. an absorbent lining. plenty of openings to let the sunshine in.

I want my structure to be thoughtful and handcrafted, intentional and intuitive. I want it to be strong and yet changeable, grounded yet moveable. in purple, with bells on, singing the halleluia chorus.

really, it doesn't seem like that much to ask.

previously... * and then...
