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United for Peace and Justice

True Majority

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Unamerican Activities

The Nation

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the music:
the asylum street spankers
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south austin jug band
string cheese incident
tha musemeant
the devil makes three
tim o'brien band
wild sage
keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

friends, lovers, sisters, brothers... ~ 2000-12-07 - 17:25:39

still in phoenix, heading up to flagstaff tonight for a gig at nick's new slam there, then coming back down. last night was a blast. the mesa slam was lots of fun, people liked what I did and bought CDs, and then afterwards a bunch of us went out to an irish pub to shoot darts and dance and sing along to the jukebox, then we all came back to nick's place to hang and talk and listen to music.

nick has a lot of my favorite kinds of music-- screamin' jay hawkins, tom waites, hank williams senior, authentic creole, asylum street spankers. he is constantly playing things that kick my ass. nick is also a beautiful person, really. just really genuine and good. he takes me out to authentic ethnic restaurants, and everyone there always knows him, likes him. the owners come to the table to say hi, to express regret that he's moving to flagstaff.

phoenix, as far as I can tell, is strip mall hell, but I'm having a great time because of nick and all the other great people here. eiran bradley was at the slam last night, and came out with us afterwards, and it was really good to finally connect with him. he's a great guy and I really enjoy his work. it's funny, he's one of the many people who I've seen in passing on the national scene for years, but never really got the chance to connect with. that's one of the things I really love about tour, the chance to sit down with all kindsa folks you've missed before. nationals is so overwhelming, you miss so much.

what's funny too is that eiran is one of the old school slammers who remembers my brother. he was on the national scene for a bit many years back, and every once in a while I'll run into someone who knows him. they generally all have the same reaction eiran did-- "THAT'S your BROTHER????" yeah, he and I are very different. at the same time we're alike in some very deep ways. my brother is the last person in my family I still feel like I need to make peace with. we haven't had a conversation in years. lately I'm feeling like I'd really like to find out who he is these days, what he's about. sometimes he and I just don't know what to say to each other. eiran says he once witnessed my brother and danny solis in a drinking contest. I would have liked to have seen that.

previously... * and then...
