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United for Peace and Justice

True Majority

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Unamerican Activities

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tha musemeant
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keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

somewhere in the middle and feeling the love ~ May 27, 2002 - 9:59 p.m.

I'm somewhere in the middle. you know, of the article on the physiology of nicotine addiction. which has been hanging over me for something like a week and a half now.

there's just been so much else demanding my energy lately.

but I'm committed to finishing this tonight. I even e-mailed my boss and told him that he'd have it before I went to bed.


dawn fed me some coffee. which helps in these kinds of scenarios. the it-must-get-done-tonight thing.

and you know, I feel good. I'm feeling some kind of sweet and gorgeous love being beamed to me from somewhere. somewhere far away, I think. but I'm feeling it, and it's warming me to the core.

and the whole lonely thing... was more or less a passing crisis. I'm back in a place where alone feels good and healthy and stable. where I'm also able to feel the love of my community. the love of the earth beneath my feet. the love of the divine energy running through all things. and some kind of sweet long distance love.

I know that lonely happens. and I'm sure it will come back to visit from time to time.

but right now I'm feeling deeply connected to beauty and possibilities.

I'm feeling the love.

life is good.

previously... * and then...
