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yerba mate revolution!

erowid: a travel guide for interior journeys...

no more war:

United for Peace and Justice

True Majority

seek the truth:

Common Dreams

Unamerican Activities

The Nation

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the music:
the asylum street spankers
backyard tire fire
blue highway
bill camplin
wendy colonna
freedom tribe
joules graves
guy forsyth band
hamsa lila
libby kirkpatrick
leftover salmon
pamela means
medeski martin & wood
the motet
the nice outfit
nickel creek
open road
rose polenzani
railroad earth
south austin jug band
string cheese incident
tha musemeant
the devil makes three
tim o'brien band
wild sage
keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

officeporn ~ 2001-01-15 - 17:30:50

I was out of it all weekend, not feeling good at all. the good thing about that is that I'm staying at my parents' house, which is the same house I grew up in, so I got to lie on the couch in front of the tv all weekend and pretend to be a kid again. I wanted someone to come and take care of me, though. some warm sweet lover to come and wrap their arms around me and cuddle in close and make me cups of tea. being sick makes me lonely.

so my financial situation was getting pretty dire... milwaukee is making me crazy, and I can't leave here 'til I've made some money-- I was getting desperate, to the point where it was either make some porn or become a temp. it being below freezing in this godforsaken place, I decided to go for the option that allowed me to keep my clothes on. I went down on friday and registered with a temp agency.

so here I am, filling in for the sick receptionist at a big accounting firm. can you imagine? it's in one of the fanciest schwa-schwa office buildings downtown. I'm wearing a dress, and eyeliner. and doc martens. god, I hate this kind of work. any job where I have to take out my nosering. I always have the urge to say wildly inappropriate things when I answer the phone. I have a lovely phone voice, by the way.

I feel like I'm undercover. I managed to throw together some clothes that work for today... I have no idea what I'll wear for the rest of the next couple of weeks. the one nifty thing about this job (besides the $) is that I've got internet access at my desk, and permission to amuse myself however I like when I'm not answering the phone. soon I'll be out of here, oh yes, soon...

previously... * and then...
