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keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

queer as MY folks... ~ 2001-01-24 - 11:30:11

I like my parents. have I mentioned this? one of their favorite tv shows is "queer as folk" on showtime. they watch it every week. they've gotten me into it, and now we all watch it every week. insider gay humor... great fun.

coming out to my parents was pretty effortless. they were surprised... there were a whole lot of boys in my past. hell, there's a whole lot of boys in my present. but the girls... oh, yes, the girls... the women... the goddesses... they feed and sustain me... and if I had to pick one gender... oh, but it's a lovely world, and I DON'T HAVE TO. I LOVE that I get both. or all, rather.

there was a time last winter when a guy I was dating (serg, the martial arts expert-- he was great fun) dropped me off at my mechanic's to pick up my car. when he left, my mechanic, darun, said (in his sweet israeli accent) "that wasn't your boyfriend, was it?" I laughed and told him it was. then he started whispering (honestly!)-- "for some reason, I thought you were gay... there was that woman you used to come in here with..." then I really started laughing. I said "darun, that was my girlfriend-- I'm bisexual." and he said:

"OOOOOHHHH-- you live life to the fullest!"

that's still one of my favorite quotes about bisexuality.

I've been in santa cruz so long that I forget that there are women who identify as strictly heterosexual. I'm always surprised when a woman (especially a young, cute one) tells me she's straight. it's hard to understand why anyone wouldn't be attracted to women-- they're so damn beautiful. but to each her own, and all that...

I'm at work, and one of the partners just called to get a call switched through, but first he said-- "hey, I hear you're a poet-- let's have a quick one!"

ummmm... okay, so most of my shorter poems are about sex... most of my poems in general lately seem to be about my lovers. I can just imagine the reaction if I sat up here at my fancy little receptionist desk and performed "angels" (a bit of an ode to threesomes) for instance... it makes me giggle. so I flipped through the backfiles in my head and pulled out "left unsaid", instead, which is an ancient piece-- and it's still about sex, but at least it doesn't have the word fuck in it.

he was very impressed.

he tells me he's going to ask for another poem sometime today, but he'll give me some time to think about it this time around. so now I'm flipping through the backfiles some more... maybe I'll do "burn"... since that's about bringing down the establishment, maybe he'll get a vicarious thrill off it. people who are deeply enmeshed in the machinery of the establishement either love it or hate it.

I love doing poetry in a place like this. it surprises the hell out of people who've never heard me say anything more complex than "goodmorningpricewaterhousecoopers"...

speaking of which, today is my last day here. the woman I've been covering for is finally well enough to come back to work. I just got a call from the temp agency, they want me to do a job out at the office of this big aerospace parts company. I told them I'd call them back later. I'm playing hard to get. I'm a damn good temp. tee hee...

p.s. I took the purity test today-- I'm 32% pure. imagine that.

previously... * and then...
