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...the ones I love best...

stranded ~ april 18, 2001 - 9:15 p.m.

ask me how my day went. go ahead, ask me. I dare you.

but first I should tell you about last night, because it was absolutely beautiful. I toldya I was a little nervous about going up to see ever, and I was... driving up there I could feel all this nervous energy tingling up my spine.

and then I got there, and I found him, and both of us just filled with light, it was just so absolutely ecstatic... to know, again, that we really do love each other this much, that it wasn't my imagination... and our connection is so deep and good and gorgeous and wildflower lovely. we couldn't stop smiling and touching each other... such a miracle, at the age of 28, to find that I'm still capable of love like this. falling in love like I was a kid again, like the whole world is brand new. oh, I do love that boy. falling asleep in his arms last night it was hard to imagine anything could be sweeter.

and that's where I should be tonight-- in his arms-- but I'm not. I was going to get my brakes worked on today, and then go back up there for the night. thursday's his day off, and we were going to spend it together... and then the garage ran into one problem after another with my brakes... bad rotors, leaking calipers... they had to order parts and jigger things together, and I wound up being stranded there, in a hellish suburb of san jose, for TEN (fucking) hours. I'm good at waiting, at least, and I had a good, big, thick book to read (cryptonomicon by neal stephenson), so I did okay until it started getting late and cold and a storm was blowing in and I was going to be late to meet my boy and I couldn't wait to see him after this day I had.

then they were finally done, and I got ready to go-- and my battery was dead. funny, it was fine this morning. it was so dead that they had to hook it up to a charger, which took another half an hour. finally, I got going.

I had to stop by pat and stacie's house to pick up some things, and it was a few miles from there that the car started to die and I realized that it was running off the battery. I've had bad alternators, I know that particular sensation all too well.

I managed to get the car most of the way to the house only by turning off the headlights and the windshield wipers (oh yes, it's raining by now) and coasting the last couple of miles. quite an adventure on tiny mountain roads in the rain when it's almost full dark. I finally ditched the car and walked the last mile to the house. in the rain. crying.

I just want to be with this boy that I love tonight. it doesn't seem like that much to ask.

I'm trying to remind myself to be grateful. that I broke down where I did, and not in the middle of nowhere. that I had a warm house within walking distance, a place with a bed for me and a bathtub and a kitchen full of food. that I have such beautiful friends, and that pat is going to help me figure out what to do about the car when he gets home in a little while. I really do have a whole lot to be thankful for.

and last night, at least, was magic.

previously... * and then...
