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...the ones I love best...

vegan organic girl ~ 2000-11-09 - 22:05:44

I'm having a productive day, so it's feeling like a good day. I got some help starting my old car, an '83 volkswagon scirocco, and moving to a place where I don't have to worry about tickets. Anybody need a scirocco? it's a good little car, I'll make you a deal. persephone's dad, elvis, helped me out today. I have so many people to be grateful to. that's part of the reason I help out people around me whenever I can-- I am constantly trying to give back from the overflow of blessings in my life.

I'm once again coming to you from the basement of the blue sun. I've spent a lot of time in this basement, working here on and off over the last three years. a lot about the look of this place changed when they renovated to a cafe, but this basement and the back hallway are unchanged. I could find my way around here in the dark.

I remember one of my first few days in cali, riding my bike into town at sunset for my first day of work at true nature foods. I was riding down this beautiful road, bear creek road, and there were big stands of trees and woodlands separating the houses, the air was utterly clean and alive smelling, and a deer was pacing me through the woods next to the road for a few minutes. I remember feeling like life couldn't be more perfect. I had moved here from a dismal year in milwaukee, wisconsin-- my hometown-- and every day felt like some kind of epiphany. I am still astounded on a daily basis by the beauty which surrounds me. this place will probably always feel like home. the gifts I am taking away from my time here.

so I've got a gig in Flagstaff on december 7th, at nick fox's new slam. nick fox is a genuinely cool cat. come on down and check it out if you're in that part of the world.

can you believe that they still don't know who's president? there's something beautiful about that, considering what a crazy, cosmic time this has been... it only seems fitting-- this sense of unreality, the kind of time distortion that goes on when you're high... the election just going on and on, for days... it feels as if the time is ripe for revolution, doesn't it? I wonder what would happen if everyone in america just stopped playing the game... if we all just dropped everything that was meaningless in our lives and starting living from the heart, from our passions... kinda like I'm doing in my way by leaving my old life behind and going on the poetry road. are you happy with your life? do you put the majority of your time and energy into doing exactly what _you_ want to be doing? if not-- why not? what are you waiting for? we live in the land where dreams come true, my friends-- and I'm not talking about this country of ours which we love/hate so passionately-- but a moment in time, in history. right now it is all within your grasp. practice listening to your heart... and once you've learned what that voice sounds like, try following its advice. this is the only way I've found real joy in my life. and it's taken me to some places I'd never suspect I was gonna go. that's how I wound up becoming vegan. I was just following orders from within. but for years I was fighting it, telling people I could never do it. turns out my body's much happier now. I'm healthier than I've been in years. I don't preach too much, though. I think what you put in your body is a pretty personal decision, so I respect whatever people choose for themselves. I do encourage people to explore non-participation in the meat industry, because bringing that down is one of the most powerful things we could do to heal the planet, but I fully understand that veganism is not for everyone. it wasn't even for me until about 9 months ago. yeah, whole lotta changes this year. it's been pretty wild.

previously... * and then...
