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my amazon wish list...

my favorite astrologer...

my favorite artist...

yerba mate revolution!

erowid: a travel guide for interior journeys...

no more war:

United for Peace and Justice

True Majority

seek the truth:

Common Dreams

Unamerican Activities

The Nation

people I adore, diaries I read:

the music:
the asylum street spankers
backyard tire fire
blue highway
bill camplin
wendy colonna
freedom tribe
joules graves
guy forsyth band
hamsa lila
libby kirkpatrick
leftover salmon
pamela means
medeski martin & wood
the motet
the nice outfit
nickel creek
open road
rose polenzani
railroad earth
south austin jug band
string cheese incident
tha musemeant
the devil makes three
tim o'brien band
wild sage
keller williams
yonder mountain string band

...the ones I love best...

will you? ~ april 5, 2001 - 2:26 a.m.

will you dance with me on the beach
under the full moon

will you let the tides of night and fire
wash me into your arms

will you ask my name
after you've told me you love me

will you stay with me past sunrise

will you call me your angel

will you be mine

will you kiss me so deeply I resonate

will you touch my heart

will you wrap your coat around me

will you sleep in my arms

will you trust me

will you tell me I'm beautiful seven times a day
and know when I need to hear it

will you let me lay my hands on you

will you show me how to find you

will you be happy when I do

will you play drums in the sun

will you DANCE with me

will you kiss me in public

will you hold my hand

will you put your arm around me

will you pick oranges from the trees at city hall with me

will you always offer me half

will you let me feed you when I can

will you feed me when I can't

will you dream about me
and will you tell me your dreams in the morning

will you dance with me at dawn

will you never ask me to keep it down

will you hold me when I need it
and let me hold you when you do

will you know how hard it is for me
to fall apart in your arms

will you love me for it when I do

will you breathe with me

will you cry with me

will you let me tell you you're beautiful
over and over again

will you believe me

will you tell me your childhood memories

will you ask me about mine

will you meditate by the river with me

will you eat banana pancakes by the ocean with me

will you get naked and play in the waves with me

will you make love to me on the sand

will you taste like sunshine and salt

will you come out loud

will you let me touch your soul
even when it hurts

and will you trust me with it when I do

will you call me on my shit
and let me call you on yours

will you love all of me without reservation

will you always tell me the truth
even when it hurts

will you always remember you love me

will you let yourself be weak with me

will you let me be weak with you

will you love me for it

will you tell me when you're angry

will you hand me only as much anger
as I've earned

will you tell me when I hurt you

will you forgive me for it when I do

will you take me to the place of my dreams

will you give me space when I need it

will you laugh with me
20 or 30 times a day

will you grow sunflower wild with me

will you dance with the butterflies

will you follow your path

will you love me for following mine

will you write to me when you're gone

will you love others as well as you do me

will you be happy when I do

will you look me in the eye

will you love me like this

and will you know that I'll love you
even if you don't

previously... * and then...
