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...the ones I love best...

story of the turkey baster ~ February 9, 2005 - 1:32 a.m.

another quiet day. on-call, but not called. which is good, since I woke up with yet another sinus infection.
of this, I am getting weary.
neti helps. i'm trying to do it every day, on the advice of my naturopath, but some days I'm lazy. i need to get more regular about it, because it really does help, and my sinuses are one of my weak spots. the first thing to go when the immune system takes a dive.
which sucks when you're a flight attendant. you can do your ears real damage flying with bad sinuses. so I'm trying to take good care.
if you don't know what neti is, it's a yoga practice of flushing saltwater through your sinuses. there's a lot of different implements you can use to do this--
which brings me to the turkey baster.
my naturopath gave me a handout about neti, which mentioned all these different implements you can use. i've done it using a water glass, a squeeze bottle, and a small pitcher-- but one thing it mentioned that i'd never tried is a turkey baster. i was kind of taken with the idea. it just sounded so easy, so controllable, so portable.
so after i read this i kept looking around for a turkey baster. kept not finding one.
and then one day, on my way home from acupuncture, i decided to stop in a large supermarket up on capital drive. hooray! a turkey baster at last.
i took it up to the checkout and stood in line. all i had was the turkey baster. when it was my turn, the cashier-- a young african-american woman of 19 or so-- rang it through and said "you want a little bag for that?"
"no, that's okay," i told her.
then she looked at me, flicked her eyes down to the baster, and then back at me. "you're gonna carry that?"
and i was confused, for a second. why not? and then i realized-- she was completely certain i had some obscene purpose for it.
she was looking at me now like i'd just said no, i don't need a bag for the dildo, i'll just wave it about as i walk to the car.
so i just smiled, all innocence and light, and said "it's not very big. i think i can handle it."
she counted up my change, handed it to me. "you basting a turkey or something?" she asked, sounding extremely doubtful.
I grinned. "yeah." like it was an inside joke. picked up my turkey baster and walked out.
in the parking lot, i took a moment to wonder how she would have reacted if i'd said "well, actually, i'm going to stick it up my nose."
i laughed all the way to the car.

previously... * and then...
