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...the ones I love best...

motorcycle mama, part 3.. ~ May 6, 2003 - 5:43 p.m.

so I've joined the ranks of the motorcycle mamas yet again...

oh yes, you know I did. I just couldn't resist. it's bright green. I mean, really, really green. which is nice, because all motorbikes here look more or less the same, but my color's an unusual one. I can spot my bike in a line of thirty right away.

and it's got some superfunk stickers, from the very cool (former santa cruzan!) guy I bought it from. I'm not wild about the giant smiley face on the front, but the rest I'll probably keep. especially the gold dragon on the front fender.

it's a honda "wave". I think motorcycle names are funny. in america, honda sells bikes named things like "nighthawk", "magna" and "shadow"-- and in asia they're named things like "smile", "wave" and "dream". tells you there's some differences in our cultures right there.

mine's the chinese version, which is a little cheaper than a japanese honda, but my friend wayne says if I get the oil changed every month (which costs about $2), it'll run and run and run.

and OH I just dig it so much. it's only a year old, making it the youngest motor vehicle I've ever owned. I paid 400 bucks, just about exactly what I can afford right now. it's shiny and barely scratched, and I'm just loving riding around town. good, too, since my lungs are still not up to scratch... riding my bicycle to work while still not really healthy was feeling like a bit of an ordeal.

I've been on the antibiotics for a week now, and I'm still feeling pretty lousy in a lot of ways. I'm a bit worried about this. I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow. which I have to do anyway, to get a note justifying my absence from work. my boss is a freak. and basically accuses anyone who calls in sick of lying.

the deputy principal, thank god, is a very cool lady, and has been 100% behind me this whole time.

but I'm going to look around at my options, because the creeping disenchantment with the way the big bosses treat their employees is beginning to snowball. a lot of teachers are leaving and/or being fired, and I'm not even sure if my job is secure after this illness.

but there's plenty of bilingual schools in town, and the DP is writing me a letter of recommendation. so we'll see. maybe I'll have a better gig for the next school year. maybe life will take me in a different direction altogether. you just never really do know.

but I do know, that wherever I wind up, chances are I'll get there on my superfunky, bright green motorbike.

previously... * and then...
