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...the ones I love best...

an infinite number of monkeys ~ August 18, 2006 - 11:44 p.m.

sleepy, sleepy girl.

soon enough for my bed, but writing is a thing. one of the things I am working at doing.

I don't have to write well, I don't have to write beautifully, I just have to write. I've been reminding myself lately that in order to be a writer you have to be willing to write a whole lot of crap.

it's true, ask any writer.

(I wonder though-- william gibson-- has he ever written any crap? really? I want to believe it, but some part of me does not.)

I lost touch with the idea of myself as a writer at some point. I'm not sure when. somewhere after I left the poetry slam scene, sometime before now. it felt like I'd lost the right to claim it, somehow.

I'm working at it now. claiming it. taking back my sense of myself as one who works in words. holding myself to the commitment to write, even if it means writing a whole lot of crap.

I am an infinite number of monkeys.

previously... * and then...
