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...the ones I love best...

and the ringing telephones... ~ August 19, 2003 - 10:52 p.m.

did I mention the wild energy?

oh yes. wild like a thunderstorm.

they've been fighting. ariana and andre. things always seem to spin out of control when I'm here. but then, things seem to spin out of control a lot.

I was in the story somewhere, but it wasn't about me. except when it was. but really it was about her truth and her truth and neither of them feeling heard.

it was raw, and awful, and filled with pain. I remembered it all from clareland. we used to go there. their relationship reminds me of nothing so much as me and clare.

but there's tremendous love between them, and the fight is a worthwhile one. it's just hard. so hard.

for two days we've lived in a space without time. this house a world of shifting weather patterns and unpredictable upheavals.

it was the ringing phones that got to me.

two cell phones and one land line, and all of them ringing, all day long, unanswered. the screaming, the crying, the rage, the helplessness.

and in the middle of it all, the dog fight, kendo at cebu's throat, andre hysterical, amy pushing her way up the stairs while andre yelled "I did everything wrong! I know I did everything wrong!"

the fight was unexpected. we are almost in awe of kendo. cebu's been kicking his butt since he was a puppy, and he's never fought back. I guess he'd finally taken enough. it looked terrifying-- he had cebu by the throat, and both andre and I thought he would kill her-- but it was amy, the dog master who lives downstairs, who pointed out that it was all drama.

he nicked her ear, but that's it. it was all just ritual. but a strange time, a crazy time.

we're coming out of it now. the women made peace this morning, and the dogs are sharing space again. ariana is packing for their trip to vermont tomorrow, andre is cleaning her room.

we're all answering the phones again.

previously... * and then...
